Hello!  My name is June and welcome to my blog!

To find out more about me, check out my profile HERE.

I am passionate about the power of nonprofits to contirbute to the community and to society and in leveraging the power of networks to make the difference.  So, the intention behind this blog is to bring together a community who have a desire and interest to contribute to the advancement of best practices of nonprofits in Asia. 

Here I will share insights, practical strategies as well as common mistakes to avoid in managing and leading non-profits based on almost 20 years working with nonprofits in the capacities of volunteer, management and now as an outsourced Executive Director or Head of Secretariat.  I am keen to hear your experiences and learn from all of you.  While we embark on our individual journeys with and within nonprofits, I am aware that sometimes it would just be great to have like-minded individuals to share with and learn from.

Since it is my blog, I thought I should lay 3 ground-rules:

First off, the semantics.  In this blog, I shall use the term "nonprofit" to refer to any volunteer based, membership-driven organisation on that is not primarily driven by the profit motive.  The term may include not-for-profits, not-for-profit organsiations, nonprofit organisations and charities ranging from alumni associations, clubs, trade associations, professional bodies and societies, welfare organisations.

Secondly, I welcome comments from anyone who is or has experience:

  • serving on nonprofit boards, committes, councils, sub-committees and working groups especially in Asia
  • being employed by or working in nonprofits, especially in Asia.

All comments will be moderated by me before posting, and in some instances may be edited.

Finally, I blog from my experience with nonprofits primarily in Singapore, with a little experience in Hong Kong and Malaysia. This blog is intended for nonprofits in Asia which are generally in a less advanced stage of maturity compared with nonprofits with those in the West.  What I share may or may not apply to the specific cultural, social, legal or politcial context of all countries even within Asia.

Thansk for reading. I welcome your intiail thoughts and comments, as well as general experiences with nonprofits in Asia.

For e.g., do you think it would be helpful to bring together such a community? Are there burning issues or challenges that you wish to hear about or discuss?

Look forward to hearing from you!
